LCGA Exhibitions 2023

Alicia Clooney, LCGA Graduate award

3rd March - 8th May 2022
Limerick City Gallery of Art



Out of Touch, 2021, Variable dimension

Plaster, rubber, metal clamps and springs


Alicia Clooney

Artist’s Statement

‘Out of Touch’ is part of a continued investigation into the relationship of object and body, using sculpture as a metaphor for lived experience.


The materials have been chosen for qualities of weight, density and pliability and are placed in a situation to activate their potentiality.  The springs uncoil and extend into space, rubber finds resistance against the mass of plaster, and metal serves to clamp and hold – applying a needed pressure.


They push, pull, grip, and stretch each other, both impeding and depending one each other’s existence to maintain a prolonged moment of activity.  The objects are fuelled with the tension of uncertainty and aim to embody the sensation of anxiety that comes from experiencing the incomplete or ‘almost’.




Alicia Clooney is a visual artist from Waterford and based in Limerick City.  Her practice is primarily concerned with object making and is informed by inherent material behaviour and systematic process. 

She graduated from Limerick School of Art and Design in 2020 with a BA (Honours) in Sculpture and Combined Media and since then has been acting as co-founder and co-director of Miscreating Sculpture Studios.  Recent projects include: The Members Exhibition,  Miscreating Sculpture Studios and  “Con|finement: I hope these parameters find you well in these strange and uncertain times”, publication from Miscreating Sculpture Studios, 2021. Her work has previously been included in exhibitions at 126 Artist Run Gallery, Galway and Limerick City Gallery of Art. 



Exhibit runs to 8th May 2022


Any queries please contact




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