LCGA Exhibitions 2023

Sir John Lavery, Stars in Sunlight

pART of the Solution (Re-opening post Covid-19)

29 June 2020
Limerick City Gallery of Art

LCGA Director, Úna McCarthy, outlines plan and programme for the re-opening on 29th June 2020

So, as we begin the journey back to the "new normal", I want to thank all of you who supported and enjoyed the web-based educational programmes that we have brought to you over the past three months.  I hope that all of you and your loved ones were spared any connection with the virus and hope that we can continue to work together to ensure each other’s safety and well-being, into the future.     

We have been involved in intensive planning with our colleagues in Limerick City and County Council ever since the government announced the road map, back in early May.  Our commitment is to create one of the safest venues in the country to ensure you can come and experience art in the knowledge that your health is our priority.  


LCGA  will need to monitor the numbers of visitors in the gallery and restrict will be place in line with international guidelines at this time and only the ground floor galleries will be open.   

Social distancing will be overseen at all times by LCGA staff and limits in each gallery space will be monitored.  There will be other restrictions within LCGA such as a clear one way systems  and access to facilities.



 LCGA exterior image

The Blurry Clock

An audio countdown to the reopening of the LGA on Monday June 29th 2020… and beyond



 Thomond Bridge,


A selection of works from the Permanent Collection, from the first exhibition in 1937 at the old Savoy theatre on Bedford Row & from 1948 when the exbition space was officially opened in the City Library in the Carnegie Building on Pery Square, featuring works by Paul Henry, Jack B. Yeats, Séan Keating, 



LSAD exhibition

From 15th July LCGA will host a selected exhibition from the Limerick School of Art & Design 2020 Degree Show , running until Sunday 26th July.

We are delighted to be in a position to accommodate this show as the 2020 graduates were robbed of this significant opportunity to share and celebrate their work with the public.




We are also delighted to let you know that The Mushroom Book by John Cage, Lois Long & Alexdre Smyth from our Permanent Collection is on extended loan to Somerset House, London  for its exhibition Mushrooms: The Art, Design and Future of Fungi, on Mushrooms.  There are only two copies of this book in public collections, one housed in LCGA and the second in the Museum of Modern Art (MoMa)  in New York - so we are in good company!  This work along with other significant works were donated by Jim Sheehy to the Permanent Collection.


Mariele Neudecker, Sediment

Many of you may remember Mariele Neudecker's exhibition, Sediment, which was a huge success with visitors to the Gallery last year is participating in an exhibition at the Hayward Gallery, London titled Among the Trees (


 Niamh Schmidtke

I am also delighted to announce that Niamh Schmidtke, recipient of the LCGA Graduate Award 2020 for her work, Plane No 7, which was purchased by LCGA for its Permanent Collection has just been awarded a artist's residency as part of the European Investment Bank artists' programme.



We will continue to provide access to a series of exciting on line programmes and will work to develop this over the summer months.






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