LCGA Exhibitions 2023

BUZZ & HUMM,  Richard Gorman & Samuel Walsh

BUZZ & HUM, Richard Gorman & Samuel Walsh

9 February - 16 April 2017
Limerick City Gallery of Art



BUZZ & HUMM,  Richard Gorman & Samuel Walsh

 Installation view, Richard Gorman, South Gallery/LCGA


 BUZZ & HUMM, _Richard_2_small

Richard Gorman, Shuffle, 2009,  oil on linen, 300 x 300cm


BUZZ & HUMM,  Richard Gorman & Samuel Walsh

Installation view Samuel Walsh, Ante Gallery 

BUZZ & HUMM,  Richard Gorman & Samuel Walsh

Samuel Walsh, Locus XVII (Wotan), 2015, acrylic/oil on canvas, 100x100cm


BUZZ & HUM,  Richard Gorman & Samuel Walsh

9th February - 16th April 2017


Richard Gorman and Samuel Walsh are both artists well known to Limerick audiences with Walsh a dynamic presence in the visual arts scene in Limerick for many decades while Gorman is represented in the city’s Permanent Collection and has exhibited in the Gallery over the years.


The exhibition is a simple and direct connection to the gallery spaces.  The conviction and commitment of both artists to reviewing and revising their respective work is one of clear determination.  The exhibition brings the work of both artists together so the rhythms of each artist’s work are allowed its own space while also tuning into the rhythms of the other’s work. The title of the exhibition, Buzz and Hum, reflects the “simpatico” between the artists.


“The hard-won rapprochement between line and colour in Walsh’s work was dispensed with by Gorman quite some time ago.  Whereas with Walsh the skeleton is still prominent, so to speak, with Gorman all we see is skin.  Skin as both metaphor and material, one might add, for Gorman never allows us to forget that what we are looking at is paint, first and foremost, a dried membrane of once - viscous matter. Gorman’s penchant for compositions that are centred, four-square and self-contained, however is in contradistinction to Walsh’s preference for asymmetrical arrangements of forms which can be assumed to extend beyond the painting’s borders”  Caoimhín Mac Giolla Léith


A special publication ‘BUZZ & HUM’ accompanies the exhibition with an essay by Caoimhín Mac Giolla Léith which gives an elegant insight into the work of both artists. The catalogue is available from reception @ €10


Richard Gorman,has exhibited widely and regularly since the mid-1980s, especially in Dublin at Kerlin Gallery, and also in London, Milan and Tokyo. Frequent and extended visits to Japan have notably influenced his working methods and materials, most memorably in a series of highly successful large-scale works executed on handmade washi paper that he produced in western Japan in 1999, 2003 and 2008.   Recent solo exhibitions include Castletown House, Kildare; Kerlin Gallery, Dublin (both 2016); Assab One, Milan (2015); The MAC, Belfast (2014); Kerlin Gallery, Dublin (2012); Mitaka City Gallery of Art and Ashikaga City Museum of Art Japan (2010); CCGA Koriyama Museum, Japan (2003); Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin, and Crawford Art Gallery, Cork (2001); Itami City Gallery of Art and Mitaka City Art Foundation in Japan (1999).   Gorman is represented by the Kerling Gallery, Dublin,  


Samuel Walsh has exhibited widely since the 80s with regular exhibitions at the Oliver Dowling Gallery and more recently at the Oliver Sears Gallery, Dublin.  A frequent exhibitor at the Royal Hibernian Academy since 1982 and an invited artist in 2005/2008/2013, Walsh has participated in several prestigious open and invited group exhibitions in Ireland. 

Walsh has represented Ireland in several international exhibitions including solo exhibitions at Foundation Binz39, Switzerland and Galerie B, Pont-Aven, France in 2002. In November 2007, Walsh exhibited a body of work based on Dante Alighieri’s, The Divine Comedy, at Limerick City Gallery of Art (LCGA) which subsequently toured to France. He represented Ireland at the Laureates International Drawing Biennial, Pilsen, Czech Republic in 2015 as part of the city’s European City of Culture designation and NordArt in Büdelsdorf, Germany in the same year.


LCGA would like to thank the artists and all those involved.   

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BUZZ & HUM, Richard Gorman & Samuel Walsh (1,398 Kb)


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