LCGA Exhibitions 2023

Celine Sheridan & Mel French: Mammalia and the Psyche Curated by Catherine Marshall

25 February - 16 April 2023
Limerick City Gallery of Art

LCGA is delighted to welcome artists Mel French and Celine Sheridan for the first exhibition in our 2023 programme.  Their collaborative approach demonstrates the intersections in their philosophies but maintains their distinctive approaches to their practices and unique


This exhibition is a collaboration between the two artists.  The collaboration lies in the investigation of similar themes and research interests that both artists engage with in their individual practices.  Within the exhibition, there is an overarching theme of the human and the non-human while the work focuses on themes such as feminist concerns, motherhood, gender roles and mental health. 


As part of the research to date, the artists have engaged with the Zoology Department, TCD, Dr. Yvonne Scott and Helen Clarke, African Department, Dublin Zoo.  The exhibition at LCGA is the first iteration of this ambitious project, which will tour to Complex, Dublin in June 2023 alongside a site-specific exhibition in the Zoology Museum in Trinity during the summer.


An Exhibition Guide with text by Catherine Marshall and further information on the Artists accompanies the exhibition





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