Events, Programmes at LCGA

LCGA Test Space Residency 2024

13 November - 22 December 2023
Limerick City Gallery of Art

LCGA Open Call for 2024 Test Space Residency


Launch Monday 13th November, runs until deadline 5pm, Friday 22nd December.


Limerick City Gallery of Art (LCGA) is delighted to announce an Open Call for the upcoming 2024 edition of the Test Space Residency programme.


Test Space Residency is a programme which has been running since 2021. It facilitates studio space, financial support, and mentoring for a wide range of practitioners who wish to engage with the Gallery.


LCGA is expecting to host 4 residencies during 2024, selected through this Open Call, each for 8 weeks duration. Practitioners are asked to spend at least 15 hours per week in situ at the Gallery. Informed by a strong commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) values, the programme asks practitioners to spend this time developing an EDI related community arts practise, new project or research, and to engage with visitors, selected communities and staff at the Gallery.


This year, Test Space Residency is not just being offered to artists, but seeks inclusive applications across all art forms and disciplines. This includes: (but is not limited to) researchers, artists, curators, arts academics, educators, writers, poets, performing artists, film and media producers, and those working cross-disciplinary or in mixed media.

Provisions by LCGA include:

- Use of a large upstairs studio space (Herbert Gallery)

- Support and guidance from the LCGA team

- Access to the Collection or archives as relevant

- The opportunity to host a workshop or public engagement event of your choice at the Gallery

- A competitive practitioners fee


For all other terms of eligibility, and full information regarding this Open Call, LCGA recommends reading the Applicant Information Document which you can download here or find on the LCGA website.  01TestSpaceApplicantINFOdoc (8,653 Kb)


Deadline: 5pm, Friday 22nd December, 2023


Apply today: Link to online Application Form 



The team at LCGA wish all applicants the very best of luck in applying to the Test Space Residency 2024 Open Call, and look forward to receiving your submission. 


LCGA is committed to an Equality, Human Rights and Diversity (EHRD) policy, which promotes equality of opportunity for all, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, civic or family status, religion, age, disability, socio-economic background, race, or as a member of the Traveller community. 


Link to Online Application Form: 


Supported by Limerick City and County Council and the Arts Council.


For any further enquiries, please email





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